Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sam Tet 20th Anniversary

Today very tired but very happy.Today we meet the leos of Leo club of Chung Ling
High School at sam tet and very happy that can know new friends.
Leo Club of Chung Ling High School Penang & Leo Club of St.Bernadette's Convent Batu Gajah Perak
Me and Alvin(ChungLingHighSchoolPenang)
hehe^^he's very shy and very cute neh!!! At first, he just like very shy to talk with me,but luckyly before he go back to penang got come to chat with me la~haha^^
Daniel(ChungLingHighSchoolPenang) and Me
This guy also very cute!!!ofcourse not that mean his face very cute la.Just mean that when he speaking in cantonese very cute la~haha^^

H2o(samtet) and me
(new friend from Leo Club of Sam Tet)
aiks~this guy very very shy nah!I don't understand why will the guys shy 1~haha^^ Isabelle(SIS) and H2o(samtet)
This 2 guys very funny neh~middle no people 1~haha^^